Bosch – 3D Dishwasher

24 Apr


To celebrate the launch of its new PerfectDry dishwasher, Bosch will be installing a 3D dishwasher, on London’s Southbank, that passers-by can put themselves through!


Bosch 3D Dishwasher


What Will They Do?

Bosch created the activation to allow visitors to walk through a wall of falling water without getting wet. The installation will use a system of motion sensors which respond to the presence of users and progressively stopping the flow of water as they pass underneath it. The installation will be a 3D dishwasher, running 2000 litres of recycled water, falling at a rate of 44 litres per minute, through a system which creates an indoor flow of liquid, just like a dishwasher!

This installation will take place between 5th-7th May on London’s Southbank at the Observation Point. Bosch will also be running competitions throughout the day for visitors to win on the spot prizes.


Why Do We Like It?

Bosch have always been creative with their advertising, however with such a specialised industry, many would argue that the opportunities for experiential marketing are few and far between. However, this campaign is the perfect example of creativity and execution perfectly balanced. Bosch took the USP of their new washing machine, cutlery comes out dry, and found a way to apply it in an experiential installation. In doing this, they created a fun, engaging draw for the activation, which creates the bond; whilst keeping the campaign focused around the product’s capabilities, creating a mental link between it and the experience.

In addition, it’s worth mentioning that an experience like this can be equally, if not better, experienced by a child, this is surely no mistake, as many of Bosch’s customers will be stay-at-home parents. This means this valuable market segment will still be able to enjoy the experience, even when they have their kids with them.


For those interested in creating their own experiences, contact us today to find out how we can help.